Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Educational Supervisory Practices I DQ O

Educational Supervisory Practices I DQ O

Q What is your current belief about supervision? In what experiences or views is your belief based? After reading Chapter 1, were any of your beliefs challenged, affirmed, or weakened? Please explain. Name one task from Table 1.1 of the textbook that would be beneficial to implement in your current school setting.

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Supervision can be regarded as dynamic and creative process providing direction and guidance that is friendly to pupils and teachers in order for themselves and situation of teaching-learning for to be improved for the attainment of the desired education goals. Educational supervision can be regarded as school officials’ effort directed to give leadership to educational workers and teachers for the institution’s improvement.